Too spotty to die

Too spotty to die

Monday, 8 June 2015

Zitty Ben the adventures begin...

Click the Blog Archive link on the right panel to see all the cartoons..but hey you new that right


  1. Way back in 1980 as a young cartoonist and working for the music paper Smash Hits I created a cartoon strip called Strange Tales from a Music Paper. It began as a story of the staff of the magazine then I brought in a character called Zitty Ben, a spotty youth who wanted to make something of his life. At first I was only going to let the cartoon run for a few strips but when I was going to kill him off and do other stuff I got a ton of fan mail demanding that Zitty was not killed off and so Zitty was to carry on for the rest of the life of the cartoon strip. 35 years later this adventure continues with the help of Brian McCloskey who enabled me to get back all the original cartoons when he published his fantastic blog Like Punk Never Happened. And so the adventure continues...

  2. Yay! I remember Zitty Ben :) one of my fave bits of Smash Hits. Looking forward to reading all these again x

    1. Glad to hear from a Zitty fan it's been a while 😀

  3. Ah, Zitty Ben. How could I forget. Absolutely loved the strip.

    1. Zitty says hi and so does pigg strangeways 😀

  4. Great memories Mark, thanks a lot 🙏
